Katy Koontz
The events of Krista Rosen’s childhood would have been enough to send anyone into a dangerous downward spiral. Yet this remarkable woman somehow survived years of abuse, eventually learning how to fight against her own unhealthy programming and ultimately finding healing and peace. Now, she wants to help others turn their lives around, as well. BeliefWork not only tells her remarkable story but also shares the tools she used to change her thinking and transform her life. Even readers who haven’t suffered deep trauma will find plenty to identify with here. Rosen’s writing is clear and direct, and her raw honesty is a testament to her strength. Her book is bound to help many others on their own healing journeys.—Katy Koontz, freelance writer, editor for several New York Times bestsellers, editor of Unity Magazine
Jennifer Boyd
This is an incredible read. I've known Krista as a healer and colleague for many years. That I didn't know the extremely traumatic story depicted in this book is a testament to the healing work she has done on herself. BeliefWork is a powerful doorway to examine the operating system of our lives and consider if the instructions embedded in our beliefs about ourselves are serving our highest purpose. Krista bravely provides anecdotes from her own life to highlight how she came to have self-limiting beliefs and the new beliefs she created to re-write the code of her life and expand her healing opportunities. Prepare to crack the book and then not be able to put it down. I read it in one sitting and feel called to come back to it to digest each section more thoughtfully this time. There's a lot of hope and magic in this book.—Jennifer Boyd, PA, owner of the Boyd Wellness Retreat Center for chronic, complex illness and optimal wellness, Medical Advisor to the Documenting Hope Project, Master's candidate EcoPsychology (2021)
Theresa Davis
BeliefWork will draw you in, captivate and enlighten you all along the way. Krista tells a powerful story of her own traumatic childhood, and how she learned that those experiences had shaped a limiting belief system within her. She brings the reader along on her journey of transformation into the gifted and respected healer she is today. She now teaches others how to identify and transform dispensable beliefs into valuable lessons. She teaches us to understand our past, giving us valuable insight on how to identify and clear our own blockages. The book provides the applicable tools and resources needed to create your own foundation of resiliency as you continue through your own journey of life. Although you may find yourself reading this book from cover to cover in one sitting, it is a reference tool to be used time and time again. Learn to let go of limiting beliefs and build your path to a life of meaning and purpose that we all deserve.—Theresa Davis – Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (CIHC)
Don Ka'imi Pilipovich
Krista addresses an important aspect of recovering from trauma, which is that we form deep beliefs about ourselves and the world from our experiences. These beliefs limit us psychologically and just as importantly, they disrupt our nervous system and lead to all manner of physical diseases. Many, if not most, of the these limiting beliefs are not conscious – they exist in our subconscious model of reality and we don’t even know they are there, let alone question them. A major guiding force in the development of Accunect has been evolving a comprehensive system of addressing these subconscious beliefs by balancing all of the body energy systems – this is what changes the mind and reprograms the nervous system. Addressing the bodymind energetically gets to levels of belief that talk therapy doesn’t seem to get to – precisely because these subconscious beliefs are encoded in our energy state and patterned nervous system responses: we are not consciously aware of them. I’m so pleased that Krista has been able to use Accunect along with other tools to heal her own wounds. And I’m even more pleased that she is telling her story so that other people can benefit from a mind-body-spirit approach to healing deep wounds and claiming their full potential in life.
—Don Ka’imi Pilipovich, DAc, M.S, LMT, co-founder Accunect Healing System
Courtney Miller
It’s not what has happened to you, it’s how you rethink those life events and use it to serve your higher purpose. BeliefWork changed me from running from the fire to giving me to the tools to put out the fire.Krista’s is the voice I hear when I need to work through what life is or has already dealt me. Her heart to share her life has opened up an objective perspective for me to view mine. Reading BeliefWork was transformative on many levels. Memories I had not thought of since childhood surfaced and were healed just by this book sparking the memory up again and provide a perspective that enabled me to put a new truth with it. I am not perfect, but Krista’s book is making me become the person I want to be. Now I am reframing my thoughts and giving myself the tools that I only thought someone with years in the medical field could handle. I have the ability to do the hard work, like Krista shares that she’s done to sift through trauma and rename it.—Courtney Miller, wife and mother of two boys
For most of my life I never felt like I belonged anywhere. I was seeing, feeling, and knowing things that others didn’t. I discounted and suppressed these thoughts and emotions as I was taught to do by our culture.
Like many people, I’m a survivor of a traumatic childhood filled with all varieties of abuse you can think of. It has taken me the last 20 years to love my own appearance in the mirror, a face that looks a lot like my abusers.
I published my first book, a self-help memoir called BeliefWork: What My Traumatic Childhood Taught Me About Core Beliefs, The Real Truth, And The Universe in 2021. It is my heart.
Uncovering limiting beliefs is the most transformative thing I have ever done. I share how these beliefs formed and how I uncovered them and connected them with my truth.
I published my second book, The BeliefWork Workbook in 2022.
I am thrilled to share my BeliefWork books with you!